上海外语频道(International Channel Shanghai),是中国大陆唯一以英语为主要播出语言的综合性电视资讯平台。ICS成立于2008年,每天连续播出24小时,所有节目都以英语或日语播出,并配有中文字幕,为观众呈现海量新闻资讯、热门时尚娱乐、专业语言教学、各类谈话节目以及精彩原版影视。
ICS for iPhone 支持免费提供在线直播、自制节目点播、节目预告、播出时间表等内容。提供中国的最新鲜最焦点最深入的信息、关于上海的最时尚最文化最热点。
The whole world is fascinated with Shanghai, a metropolitan city full of opportunities and challenges, perseverance and passion. If you want to get closer to the city but don’t know where to start, ICS is a great option.
ICS is the only comprehensive English-language TV broadcaster in mainland China. Launched in 2008, ICS runs 24 hours a day and features a wide variety of English and Japanese programming with Chinese subtitles. ICS presents everything from news and information, fashion and entertainment, to creative English-language learning, thought-provoking talk shows and hit international movies.
ICS for iPhone supports live online broadcasts, program requests, previews, and program scheduling. It also provides the freshest and most focused information on Shanghai, China and the world.